Promoting advocacy against DV for people of all genders and ages


For many people, the "happily ever after" fairy tale ends in a nightmare of domestic abuse, which can be emotional, physical, mental, or financial. When a person has been in a relationship involving domestic abuse, they may believe there is no way out.

Moreover, if they do find a way, they’re usually paralyzed by fear of repercussions. It is important to remember that the victim never deserves this treatment. No one does!

WPSM cares about the safety and security of our communities. Our mission is to see men, women, and children living free from the fear of any type of domestic abuse. We want to see families flourish in safe environments.

Counseling, Support & Development

Delivering essential services to help strengthen the mind, body, and spirit of DV survivors.

Emergency Shelter & Transitional Housing

Providing immediate safety and long-term shelter for battered and abused women and their children.

Security Protection & Education

Programs are facilitated by former Federal Agents, local law enforcement, and security experts.

Batterer Intervention - (CAB) Program

A solution-based initiative equipping individuals who have engaged in abusive behaviors with essential emotional intelligence skills.


Domestic Violence is a grave matter that demands our attention. It affects countless individuals across the US, causing physical and emotional harm. It is crucial to recognize the severity of this issue and take action to support those who are suffering.  

23.2% of women and 13.9% of men have experienced physical violence by an intimate partner during their lifetime. (NCADV)

On average, approximately 20 people per minute endure physical abuse from their partners in the US. In one year, this equals more than 10 million women and men. (NCADV) 

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Are you or someone you love a victim of domestic abuse?

Do you live in fear in your own home?

Do you know a child who is in a home with domestic violence?

Help is available 24 hours a day
Call: 800-799-7233
Text: Start to 88788

Together, We Are Wise

Domestic violence is a crime against humanity.  Love should never hurt.  Break the cycle, break the silence and let’s stand together against domestic violence.


PO Box 4207 Ashburn, VA 20148